
Description of the project

The aim of the Project is to encourage girls to take up rowing. It aims to teach them how being a rower can contribute to leading a healthy lifestyle and believing in themselves. Multisport clubs can help to do this by enhancing a young female presence in a sport like rowing.

Rowing dates back to ancient Egyptian time and it is practiced by noble clubs such as Oxford and Cambridge who race annually. Its history as a sport has made it one of the best sporting activities practiced. Physical activities are mentioned in notions of Cartesian dualism of body and mind, basically meaning the development of physiological health through improving self-esteem, happiness and resilience. 

The target group is girls from ages 13 to 17 and each partner will create a crew, a women’s 8+, that will train together for a year and then travel to Rome to meet eachother in a friendly regatta on the Tiber river. “WiN” teams will take part in “the WiN Euro Boat Race Cup” between the three partner countries. The regatta will be made up of two competitions. In the first competition, the three 8+s will be formed of 8 women rowers plus one coxswain for each partner country.  The second competition the boats will be mixed up with the participants of each country so each boat will be composed of a multinational crew. The race will take part in the centre of Rome where many viewers will be able to appreciate the race from the rowing clubs and bridges around the Tiber where the race will be held.


Objectives of the project

Develop and implement training modules for female beginner rowers. A comparison between the partners about training methods to enhance the strength and endurance of female rowers.

Include young volunteers in awareness-raising activities such as leading roles in sport event management to foster gender equality, cooperation, opportunities for women in the professional development of individuals.

Study issues related to women sport practice, for rowing particularly, to analyse and assess procedures to make them more competitive and comfortable.

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