Circolo Canottieri LAZIO

Project Coordinator - Italy

Circolo Canottieri Lazio was born in 1900 and today it forms part of the Historical Rowing Clubs of Rome. Circolo Canottieri Lazio is affiliated with the Italian Rowing Federation, the Italian Tennis Federation, the Italian Bridge Federation and the Italian Football Federation and offers a variety of sports disciplines, such as tennis, padel, five-man football, teqball and rowing. The Club currently has 479 members, Calcio A5 - 59 (school + Serie D), Rowing - 245 (cadets, juniors, U23, Elite, Masters) and Tennis and Padel - 175 (under 12-12-Serie C - Serie D2).

The Club, in addition to being one of the most prestigious places to spend a whole day practicing sport, is also very focused on the theme of social responsibility. Last year during the Covid-19 emergency, Circolo Canottieri Lazio together with 3 other Roman Clubs, supported the Spallanzani hospital by donating € 19,000.00 for the purchase of useful material for intensive therapy.

Circolo Canottieri Lazio and Circolo Canottieri Roma organize a rowing event every year, “the Rowing Derby” which takes its cue from the epic English challenge of Oxford and Cambridge. The two crews, the eight with coxwain, compete every year on the Tiber. The first edition was held on March 19, 1978 and has grown to become an important event for both associations. In addition to this, Canottieri Lazio through the discipline of rowing is dedicated to social inclusion that promotes athletes with intellectual disabilities by focusing on sports activities as a means for the personal growth of the individuals involved. Through weekly training, Special Athletes acquire greater confidence in their skills and are able to make sure that they integrate with other teammates by developing team spirit. This goal is pursued both through training and through competitions. Both are carried out (according to the Special Olympics technical regulation) on integrated boats, i.e. 50% of the crew is made up of athletes with disabilities and the other 50% without disabilities, favouring the integration of those involved and developing personal growth in terms of autonomy, on the occasion of trips at a national level.

Every year the club organizes one of the most important sporting events in Rome, the "Coppa dei Canottieri" which is the oldest five-man football tournament in Europe: launched for the first time in 1964. Over the years it has hosted players of the caliber of Giorgio Chinaglia, Vincenzo D 'Friend, Francesco Cordova, Roberto Mancini, Giuseppe Wilson, and the Brazilian champion Garrincha. The idea of the Tournament came from a member of the Canottieri Lazio, Gustavo "Babbo" Valiani who transformed a nice habit of the members of the various Roman clubs into a tournament dedicated to the historical clubs of Rome. Since 1964, the Coppa has never stopped.

The tournament does not only include all ages but each edition tries to aim more and more towards social responsibility. The 2019 edition launched the Charity Match "The river for children" in support of the new humanitarian campaign of the Bambino Gesù Onlus Foundation: "Fragments of light".

HAŠK Mladost
Hrvatski akademski športski klubovi Mladost
Sveučilišta u Zagrebu

Project Partner - Croatia

When founded in Zagreb in 1903 (under the name of Hrvatski akademski športski klub) was inspired by similar sport organisations from Western Europe. The Croatian club was conceived as a modern multisport organisation to gather existing sports and promote and introduce new ones. One of the characteristics of that time was broadening the multisport approach where members practised various sports, often depending on the season of the year. In 1990 with the democratic changes in Croatia the association turned its name into “HAŠK Mladost of the University of Zagreb” (Hrvatski Akademski Športski Klubovi Mladost), receiving the approval of the Rector of the University of Zagreb to add the name of the University.

Throught the history members of the HAŠK Mladost sports won 43 Olympic medals.

Currently HAŠK Mladost is the largest academic and sports society in Croatia, consisting of 30 sport sections (of which most famous are Rowing, Water Polo, Athletics, Swimming and Volleyball) with more than altogether 4,400 sport athletes. In 2020 the club will celebrate 117 years of continuity and excellence. (

In 2003 the club was given by the City of Zagreb an Award for 100 years of continuity and service to the community for outstanding importance and contribution in developing Zagreb and Croatia as a cultural sport environment.

Experience in rowing activities: The rowing section of Mladost is one of the most trophy sections. Mladost rowers have won numerous Olympic, World and European medals mostly in the men’s category. The long-time goal of the rowing section has been to popularise the sport more among women but this has proven to be a hard task and that is why we are eager to participate in this project.

Olympiacos Syndesmos Filaflon Pireos

Project Partner - Greece

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